Sunday, October 3, 2010

CEP810: Getting Things Done - A Life Skill!

Getting things done from Opentec on Vimeo.

When I heard the phrase “Getting Things Done”, two things came to mind:   organizational skill and time management rolled into one.  This process of getting things done is a challenge for everyone because of our fast-paced and busy schedule.  

At work and at home, I organize my everyday process by using several tools:
  • electronic devices (laptop, ipod for fast access to information and updates)
  • sticky notes, pen, and a highlighter (for important instructions, keywords, and deadlines)
  • online tools and software for email, scheduling, bookmarking online resources (Have you noticed the widget found on the sidebar of this blog? It’s a homework countdown.  Since CEP810 google calendar is being shared and made public by our instructor, any homework updates she makes in the calendar is automatically linked to this widget as a reminder.)

As I go through any process for the first time, it can be overwhelming.  I usually wish I had a “panic” button to push for immediate help.  But I think the GTD stages will help me get things done.  How?  Through transfer of learning! The GTD strategy seems to be a simple concept but in reality it’s a difficult thing to do; but it is a skill that can be learned.  I consider it to be a life skill.  It can definitely be applied to any situation where being organized and managing time is very important.  I will continue to learn and use this process until it turns into a habit.  Wish me luck ;)

1 comment:

Miztech said...

As educators our tasks are so numerous it is easy to get lost in myriad tasks. Sometimes we drop the ball and critical items get away from us. Having a plan for getting things done is more than helpful, it's necessary. I am a firm believer in lists and when I don't have them or don't use them I can feel the level of stress rise.

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